For the Time Being
November 20, 2018
There are only so many more times I am going to be able to look out of the train window and watch the Paris streets come alive below, so I put down my book. It’s kind of like I don’t want to take any moment for granted at this point, and I’ve found that just... Read More
The Not-Enough-Time Stressin’
November 13, 2018
So it’s Novemeber, huh? No idea how that happened. It’s been rainy and…humid (?) here in Paris as October melded away and the colors of the leaves really arrived and I had to start thinking about my winter coat situatuation. This past week was jam-packed with... Read More
Travel: some Non-Wisdoms
November 5, 2018
In my list of reasons to study abroad in Paris, “getting anywhere from there” was very near the top. I’ve been trying not to treat these four months like my last time ever in Europe, but I also want to take advantage of the time, the place, the motion (ahem). I have taken... Read More